
8 ways to Stick To Your New Year Resolutions

New Year affords us the opportunity to evaluate and review our lives.
Many of us take stock and make decisions on how to improve ourselves. Common resolutions we make include losing weight, doing more exercise, quitting smoking or alcohol and saving money.

Many of us are likely to start the year with optimism and determination, doggedly following our resolutions, only to lose steam after a few weeks or even days. Why do we give up on our resolutions after a while? Here are some reasons and ways to ensure we stay on track and motivated.

1. Don’t set overwhelming goals and expectations: Setting unrealistic goals gives us false hope and expectations on speed, amount, ease and the consequences of changing a particular behaviour. Be realistic/start small do not take big goals that will you wear out.

2.  Don’t do too much at once:  Do one thing at a time. Do not confuse yourself by setting too many goals as this may lead you to lose focus.

3. Be SMART: make your resolutions specific/simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound.

4. Work with a group of people or another individual: develop your goals with an accountability partner. It serves both as safety barrier and face saver.  Make your change with someone or a group of people who have similar problems or who want to make similar goals. This will make you encourage each other.

5. Don’t limit yourself to the beginning of the year. You can start anytime and review your goals and also review your new year resolution anytime in the year.

6. Accept lapses: Do not be too hard on yourself when there are ups and downs. Don’t beat yourself up. Accept the failure, correct yourself, make adjustments and continue.

7. Ask for help: If you are finding it difficult to achieve any goal, do not be afraid to ask for help, to delegate or to outsource to a professional.

8. Derive pleasure from the things you have decided to do. Do not make your resolutions like its a punishment. Make your resolutions pleasurable.

Happy New year!

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